Monday, 15 August 2011

That is the question.

To eat or not to eat
In front of the television
Or at the dining table.
Which ever way
That is my question.

The reports are grim
Starvation all over the news 
Dust and sand storms
Cattle weak or dying
Arid plains parched dry.

Mud slides after rain
Homeless people staring staring
Nothing no hope no life.
Out of the television
Between bright adverts
People in need

I sit and stare at my food
And wonder aloud
Should my conscience prick
As I devour these pleasures.

Friday, 12 August 2011

The Return of the Exiles


Editing and checking 

Book 2 of the Rombuli Saga

called The Return of the Exiles 

before publishing alongside 

Book 1 The Teacher of the Rombuli 

on Kindle.

Monday, 1 August 2011

The List on the Wall

The dust mites float in the sun beam
Shining passed the organ
Illuminating the oak panelled wall
On which was the list.
As a child I would gaze at the list
Wondering who they all were
Making pictures in my mind.
Rev Ivor Jones, 1910 to 1925
Small and fiery.
Sermons on Hell and Damnation
Frightening the congregation 
Into goodness.
Rev Sebastian Noble 1925 to 1948.
Tall, thin faced, silver hair
Sermons delivered eruditely
Intellectual exercises in high blown language
Which the congregation failed to understand.
Rev. Peter Good 1948 to 1958
Round of face and body.
Big white hankie dabbing brow
Sermons hesitatingly of sin
And the straight and narrow.
Rev Michael Brown 1958 to 1969
Gentle of manner
Like somebody’s favourite Grandfather.
Preaches on love and living together
Of forgiveness and support.
Rev Tony Bloomfield 1969 to 1984
Old when he came
Went on too long.
Inspired nobody
Not even the old ladies in the front.
Rev William Green 1984 to 1992
Sincere always serious
Tall with bald head
Like an eagle looking for its prey.
Very passionate about the disadvantaged
And we must do something
But what he is not sure.
Then the list ended 
As though the church had lost interest.